Happy Birthday Charlie!
Today Charlie is seven. I totally can’t believe it. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO, I ask you?
We’re celebrating on Friday, but I did stay up way too late last night making cupcakes for her class for today. Can I just say I love that they can bring in cupcakes to school? That used to be one of my favorite things when I was little, to have a mini-party with treats in class. At their old school they didn’t allow baked goods (everything had to be prepackaged) so I’m glad we get to do stuff like this.
I did the same thing I did for Phoebe’s birthday, with the cupcake wrappers and flag topper thingies. It takes awhile to print and cut everything on the Silhouette, but it worked out nicely while the cupcakes were baking.
I made this frosting (no cinnamon!), and piped it on with this frosting tip. And added sprinkles, at Charlie’s request. On the way to school a lady stopped Bryan in the street to tell him how nice the cupcakes looked. Score!
I did a fancy braid for Charlie’s birthday hair, and used some of the leftover glitter hairspray from Halloween. Phoebe got in on that action, too. I’m glad Thea was asleep for this part.
We have a few small treats for Charlie to open later today, and she asked for a “big girl bike” that we’ll take her to pick out on Friday. Along with her birthday dinner (ham, of course).
On Miss Charlie’s birthday request list were: crayons, coloring books, stickers, and socks. Socks! ZOMG she cracks me up. Of course, she got everything she asked for.
She’s a little firecracker, this one. Very laid back and easy going, with an incredible sense of humor and quite a strong sense of justice (she hates even the inkling of being treated unfairly). She’s very generous with her affection and makes friends really easily. We love her so very much, this Super Charlie of ours.