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Halloween. In November.

The trio

Oh hai.  So, yesterday we finally celebrated our Halloween.  Hurricane Sandy blew through right before Halloween, so our festivities were postponed.  And then postponed again. And then finally we were told that we could take the kids trick-or-treating from 1pm-4pm yesterday.  

more scooping

I have to tell you, the whole thing was pretty sad.  I don’t think we would’ve even done it this year, but the kids had been begging and begging to get dressed up in their costumes.  I guess all the makeup testing I did sort of fueled the fire there. Oh well.

cold and slimy

Our pumpkins (we actually found some this year!) had been stored in a dark closet for days and days, and then it occurred to us that we should probably take them out before they fell to pieces.   It was almost too late, but we put them outside anyway.  Where the squirrels then began to feast upon them.  They actually ate clean through one pumpkin, those little suckers.  

Charlie's pumpkin

So we scraped the mold off and worked around the half-eaten mess, and carved our sad mushy pumpkins.  There was a pumpkin or two that made it through relatively unscathed, so I was even able to roast some seeds. 

pumpkin snot

After pumpkin carving I got the girls all dressed up, and we went trick or treating.  Many houses weren’t participating this year, and some of the ones that did only put a bowl of candy out on their porches.  It made us all a little sad, only because half of the fun is having an adult hand you candy while telling you how scary/cute/great your costume looks.  


The neighborhood still looks pretty bad after the storm.  The streets are covered in leaves and branches, and there are many houses that sustained damage and were clearly vacant.  It was a fairly somber affair.

creepy ghostie


A ghostie (kind of)

I’m glad the town did reschedule, though, and I’m glad the girls had an opportunity to show off their scariness (or in Charlie’s case, her super-hero-ness).  Last year we had a 3-day power outage for Halloween, and this year we had a hurricane.  I have to say, I’m a little nervous what next year will bring.

Reader Comments (1)

Sorry your Halloween was a more understated affair this year, but my, the costumes and the makeup in particular are brilliant!

Nov 18, 2012 at 10:23AM | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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