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Unicorn Cross Stitch

I am so proud of this.  I completed my first cross stitch project, with a design from Grannie Panties on Etsy.  I have to say, this was really easy to do, but it took SO. MUCH. TIME.  Also?  My right hand has been killing me for about 2 weeks now.  I think it’s carpal tunnel from the stitching.  I have a really fancy wrist brace.

I have a unicorn

I totally don’t even care that I’m an old lady and my hand is on fire, I’m stitching this one next.


I made a few mistakes here and there, but if you can’t see them I’m not pointing them out.  Also, I was only supposed to use 2 strands of thread, and I accidentally used 3.  Whatevs.

rainbow unicorn


silver frame

Reader Comments (3)

This is awesome. I can't see the mistakes. Looks perfect to me!

Jun 4, 2012 at 10:47AM | Unregistered CommenterCarrie

Anyone's arguments about any invisible mistakes are invalid though. Because you have an awesome unicorn.

Jun 5, 2012 at 8:19AM | Unregistered CommenterSarah

@Carrie: Thank you! :)

@Sarah: So, so true.

Jun 5, 2012 at 11:40AM | Registered CommenterDaph

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